WHEN: April 19-20, 2024
WHERE: Madison County High School
600 Madison St, Danielsville, GA 30633
WHO: All-Ability Ages 6-30;
*Programming for Ages 3-5 on Friday Only
WHAT: Baseball, Football, Physical Fitness, Soccer, Softball, Snack Station, Rest Station
Dear Parents,
The FCA ministry loves our All-Ability athletes. We also love our parents. We pray that the All-Ability camp experience will not only bless your child, but you as well. Our hope and prayer are that you will feel God’s presence and find a time of respite for yourself and your marriage during this weekend camp.
We have planned a time for you and your spouse to observe the camp on Friday night or take some time to go on a date. On Saturday morning, we have 2 hours from 10-12 PM to love on you, encourage you and provide some additional resources that can help you in your journey in parenting a child with special needs.
I have never felt more honored to serve in any capacity more than in the All-Ability ministry of FCA. I am also a father of a son with cerebral palsy so I know firsthand the challenges and the triumphs that come with the journey.
God bless You,
Jack Murray
5636 Hwy 72 W
Colbert, GA 30628
PO BOX 862
Colbert, GA 30628